Elles seraient "aussi bien ou meilleures" que les Bosphorus, et évidemment fabriquées à Istanbul, et disponible dès début septembre (aux US certainement...)
A voir (ou entendre, selon) !
Quel prix, fabriquées par qui...
http://www.drummercafe.com/music-indust ... mbals.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;Stanton Moore a écrit :Announcing Crescent Cymbals
I’m very excited to announce the launch of my new cymbal company Crescent Cymbals. For some time I have been a partner with Michael Vosbein, Jeff Hamilton and Bill Norman in a company called Cymbal Masters. For the past 8 years we’ve been distributing and marketing Bosphorus Cymbals. That relationship has come to and end and we are starting our own brand with Crescent Cymbals. The cymbals are hand made in Istanbul, Turkey and are as good or better than what we were offering with Bosphorus. Crescent Cymbals will be available at select dealers starting early September. Please spread the word and stay tuned for more details!